Fort Arbuckle in the Mountains
The Yattassee Village along the Red River
Old Boston Jail in New Boston, Texas
Boggy Depot
Spanish Fort in Montague County, Texas: Not Spanish and not a Fort
The Drowned Town of Preston, aka Coffee's Trading Post
Gloster at Jefferson... Highway
Fort Sauvage, the Natchez Village after the Fort Rosalie Massacre
A Fair View of Fairview School in Greer County, Oklahoma
Ward the Ville: Wardville, Oklahoma
Colony Mission: Seeger Indian School in Washita County, Oklahoma
Colbert's Bridge, Hotel, and Ferry at the Red River
Oily Place: Bradley's Corner in Wichita County, Texas
Lost Ark
Walled in Denison: Stone Ruins off the old Jefferson Highway
Doan's Crossing at Doan's Store
Criminal architecture
All that was lost under Lake Texoma: Woodville, Aylesworth, Achaeology, and more
Old Arkansas Home: the Blevins Family Cabin in Hempstead County
Dr. King's Visit to Shreveport