Ancient Pyramid Mounds at Marksville, Louisiana
Maps of the Rapids at Alexandria in the Civil War
Marion Post, Photographer of Cane River Creoles
Grand Ecore Fight
Olmsted and the Gaines Ferry
Sykes Ferry at Dorcheat Bayou, Louisiana
Western Louisiana in the Civil War
Sang pour Sang
St. Paul Bottom in Shreveport
Shreve Report on the Completion of the Red River Raft Removal
The Peru Ferry near Gilliam, Louisiana
The Yattassee Village along the Red River
La Harpe and the Nassonite Trading Post
Fort Claiborne, Unwanted
Fort Jesup on the Spanish Road in No Man's Land
Bernard de la Harpe and the Unicorn on the Ouachita River
The Colfax Massacre
The Great Raft of the Red River
Some Freedmen's Bureau Records from the Red River Valley
Natchitoches, le French and Creole City