The Old Paris Cemetery (Lamar County, Texas) is a fascinating look at early Anglo burials, where most of the dead are from Kentucky/Tennessee. Some of the graves sport stone "tents." This cemetery is unique in the quantity of these kinds of burials. They are not above-ground crypts but rather, low houses on top of the burial plots that cover the entirety of the plot. Most of the inscriptions on the graves have become illegible, but I was able to find one that is still relatively intact.
The "tent houses" were often used to stop cattle and other animals from rooting around. They could have also been adapted from "house graves" that were constructed by native people, like the Choctaws. All of these graves are inside the city's original cemetery, now inactive. Most of the dead were moved to the southern edge of town and now reside at Evergreen Cemetery. Paris actually has several inactive, old cemeteries within its city limits.
Finding an old burial ground in Paris when I was a young kid is the reason I became a historian, actually. Read on to find out more.
